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Facts About Egg Donation


In the current world, fertility option is not limited to the conventional means, due to an increasing change of lifestyle and relationships. Egg donation has been on a rise with its adoption being scaled to heights that has never been seen before. With marriages of people from the same sex, egg donation has provided fertility solution. This is not the only reason for egg donation. Couples with fertility issues in their relationship, opt for egg donation and surrogacy as a mean to achieve their fertility solutions. This might sound like an overrated method of getting your fertility problem, but it has proven more than sufficient to meet fertility problems. Below are some of the egg donation facts from that will help you develop a deeper understanding of concepts of egg donation.


Egg donors are anonymous


This is a fact that will obscure you from knowing where the egg came from at the same time preventing the donor from knowing where the egg went. This however, should not be mistaken for lack of getting eggs from an unknown donor in terms of desirable traits. In most cases, egg donors undergo a pre-screening to ensure that the egg comes from a plus donor with all the right features that a couple would love. This is just a p[precautionary measure that will ensure that the eggs are obtained from a healthy donor with all the right qualities.


Live egg donation over frozen eggs


The fact that technology has always been improved on a daily basis with scientists and innovators creating egg storage facilities that would store eggs for long, has not deterred a rise in the demand of live eggs. More parents opt for live eggs, insisting on picking the right donor with desirable qualities, to increase the effectiveness of the process and getting babies with the right genetic and phenotypic traits. This will guarantee a happy family as the parents will be contented with their choice of egg and child in the end. For additional facts and information about Egg Donation, you can go to


Legal custodians


Egg donation at this homepage  is more motivated by the need to help a couple than making money. For this reason you have to understand that once your receive an egg from a donor, the egg and the child will be legally under your custody and that of your partner. The donor should also be made aware that after giving their eggs they relinquish all the rights over the eggs and the child that will come from it.  if you are getting eggs from someone you know, it is wise that you get into a legal contract.

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